& Whatever It Takes to Build Great Futures

Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles

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These programs develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors to nurture their well-being, set personal goals and grow into self-sufficient adults.


Teen Skills & Drills

Teens learn the fundamentals of the sport of basketball. This program seeks to enhance agility, footwork and overall competence with an emphasis on sportsmanship.

Junior Skills & Drills

Juniors learn the fundamentals of the sport of basketball. This program seeks to enhance agility, footwork and overall competence with an emphasis on sportsmanship.


Passport to Manhood

A 14-session program that concentrates on specific aspects of manhood through highly interactive activities. Each Club member participant is issued his own “passport” to underscore his personal journey of maturation and growth. One session is conducted each week, with each activity to be completed within 30 to 45 minutes.


Young Yogis

Children will learn how to focus and center themselves with various breathing and visualization techniques. They will also learn self-respect and respect for others with the practice of fun and challenging poses, including breathing and mindfulness activities.


Smart Girls

A health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program for girls. The program is designed to encourage healthy attitudes and lifestyles that will enable adolescent/teen girls to develop to their full potential. Sessions incorporate learning experiences that include mentors, guest speakers, hands-on activities and field trips.